9/25/2023 Effective January 1st., 2024 Rates will Increase by $5 per zone and services
10/20/2023 New Website and Logo Design
12/11/2023 Price Increase update not effective until January 1st, 2024
2/23/2024 CASH Discount. Cash paying customers receive 10% the total bill as a thank you for using cash.
9/07/2024 Windows 10 Users: Windows will end support for you on October 14th, 2025. What this means is that there will be no more updates to the software or securities. This may put you at risk for viruses. This does not mean that the operating system is shutting down. Logicom can custom build you a new pc with Windows 11. Better warranties than all major manufacturers. Quality Parts with longer warranties. Schedule an appointment by December 31st., 2024 and receive $50 off a purchase of a new PC.
10/1/2024 New Updates to the online Store
01/1/2025 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Just a reminder prices have increased by $5 per zone and Flat Rate services.